
Top sellers

  • Colonenzym

    Dietary supplement with pancreatin, papain and ganoderma extract.

    79,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Vital A-Z
    Vital A-Z

    54,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Berbemin

    Dietary supplement with berberine HCl.

    29,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Vitamin D+K 10.000 I.E./200mcg
    Vitamin D+K 10.000 I.E./200mcg

    Dietary supplement with vitamin D3 and K2.

    24,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Weihrauch

    Dietary supplement with incense extract standardized to 65% boswellic...

    34,90 €
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  • Prostaprotect

    Dietary supplement with herbal extracts combined according to...

    149,00 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Quercetin

    Dietary supplement with the flavonoid quercetin.

    46,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Rechtsregulat® Bio
    Rechtsregulat® Bio

    44,00 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Coriflam

    59,90 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage
  • Healthy nutrition
    Healthy nutrition eBook

    Our guide explains the importance of nutrition especially for the...

    9,99 €
    Lieferzeit: 1-3 Tage

About us

Arcadia Vita GmbH was founded in 2013 as a strategic and administrative unit in support of the Arcadia practice clinic. It offers accommodation to patients in the clinic and provides them with all services they require. Arcadia Vita conducts all non-medical activities that complement the integrated Arcadia Health Center program and bring satisfaction to patients at the clinic worldwide as well as to the regional users of the Physiotherapy department who offer an exceptionally broad range of therapeutic applications.

Our holistic concept also includes selected and high-quality nutrients and supplements that we provide our guest with.

Dietary supplements


Our product portfolio includes herbal extracts, isolated botanicals for maximum effect, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, essential fatty acids and amino acids as well as corresponding synergistic combinations. One focus is orthomolecular preparations, high-dose formulations that can quickly compensate for a deficiency.


In the development of our products we always have the task of formulating them particularly easily digestible, hypoallergenic and free of additives. Our products are generally free of lactose, fructose, gluten and soy.

Vegetable cellulose capsules and cellulose as filler are preferred. All products have a transparent declaration, all substances used are indicated in the ingredients.

Our products are formulated with the best possible bioavailability. What does bioavailability mean? The term bioavailability defines the proportion of an active substance after absorption that remains available in the systemic circulation. Especially in the case of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and trace elements as well as plant substances and phytopharmaceuticals, bioavailability plays an important role, because depending on the structure of the nutrient, the bioavailability may be significantly different. Thus, e.g. Organic compounds that are also found in our food, or herbal substances whose bioavailability is increased by so-called bioenhancers, significantly better absorbed.

Quality and purity

By producing "Made in Germany" Bellmeda GmbH offers transparency in the production, which offers us, our partners and our customers a maximum of security.

The raw materials have consistently highest and laboratory-tested purity and quality. Best bioavailability, hypoallergenic formulated and high doses. We offer this to our customers.